Friday, March 10, 2006

If I only got paid for my work...

I took the survey on MOTHERS (Mothers Ought To Have Equal Rights) about how much my work at home is worth. Totally entertaining! I can see that as I have more kids, and especially as the kids get older, my work would be worth more and more.


Your weekly hours worked as an unpaid family caregiver: 230
Your "net worth" as an unpaid family caregiver: $1940.3/week

Average weekly hours worked as an unpaid family caregiver (all respondents): 209.4
Average "net worth" as an unpaid family caregiver (all respondents): $2,670.32/week
Number of respondents 4889


If you multiply that out, it comes to $100,895.60 per year. Woo-hoo!

I was feeling rather excited about the MOTHERS website until I looked around in the forums. Most of the activity seemed to be in 2003, and the moderators aren't doing their jobs; some casino has replied to a lot of the messages and no one has removed them.

Oh, well. It must be hard to motivate us'ns to be active politically.

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