Friday, April 15, 2005

The New Pope can see straight through your armor

Our New Pope Posted by Hello

"I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and Ooh! Ouch! My eye! Some chrism landed in my eye!"

"Hey, who wants to play Goose the Pope?"

Reminds me of the Easter Vigil in Colorado Springs where they filled the baptismal font with extremely hot water, thinking that it would cool down by the time we got to the baptisms. Bishop Hanifen stepped into the tub, and immediately his whole balding head turned bright pink.

Is that really the new pope? Who elected Mr. Bean?
Ooh... I can leave "anonymous messages" without having to login! Woohoo! Now no one will know I'm Holly! Sneaky sneaky sneaky...
I was just going to say that he looks remarkably like Rowan Atkinson in that picture!

(Hi Anabel! :)
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