Sunday, April 24, 2005

Growing Vegetables

I'm about to enter the great unknown -- growing vegetables on our back patio.

It's going to be rough going, I'm afraid, because the patio faces east and there's a building directly east. Happily, there's no building on the south side, so it gets some sun through the morning, at least in the summer.

So we have two long window-box style pots, and those currently have tiny lettuces in them. They've started to sprout, but not much else. We've also got two large pots. One has peas, cilantro, and spinach, while the other has beans, kohlrabi, and some random something-else that the seed place sent to us as a gift. I'm hoping to plant the sunflower seeds out in front. All the seeds came from a kid-friendly kit, so they should all be just fine growing in containers, and they should be entertaining to watch.

The peas (or are those the beans?) have started coming up already, which is totally fun. One of the other plants has started too, but since I didn't label anything, I don't know what anything is.

I also started some "Tumbling Tom Tomatoes" which are ideal for hanging baskets, apparently, so I bought a couple grow-bags that'll hang on our porch rather nicely. I needed to start the seeds first, though, so I got some Jiffy pellets to start the seeds in... and voila!

Tomato Babies! Posted by Hello

Perhaps I'll update you as my plants grow. Especially the tomatoes, since the "grow bag" thing is slightly odd, and I think it'll be really cool.

I thought the tomatoes looked like chocolate cupcakes for a moment ;-)
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